Mr. Brian Go, CFE
Senior Operations Consultant
Francorp Phils.
Ms. Armida Beltran Mabitad, FCoIIT, AloD, MBA is the Learning & Development Senior Manager of Isla Lipana & Co./PwC Philippines.
She has more than 22 years of combined experience in English Language and Literature teaching, writing and research. She also has had extensive experience in theatre training, performance and voice artistry alongside her teaching and academic career.
She is a career researcher with memberships in the following organisations: the Asian Shakespeare Association; lifetime membership with the American Studies Association of the Philippines; British Association for Romantic Studies; British Society for Literature & Science; British Educational Leadership and Management Association; and UMPIL. She is a Fellow of the College of Teachers-UK and an Associate Member of the Institute of Counselling (Glasgow) and the Institute of Directors (London).

Strengthening Franchise Support System (Execution)